When I went home today from work at around 7:30 am, as usual, I was so effing tired. I opened the door, went straight to my room...removed my shirt and pants...closed my eyes, and just dozed off. I didnt even drank water or uttered anything to anyone. I just went straight to la-la land. Just. Like. That.
I woke up 4 in the afternoon. Thats about 8 STRAIGHT hours of silent, peaceful sleep. Now my head's heavier than ever.
I promised myself that I will be posting some snapshots during my mini-bday celebration. But unfortunately, I cant effing do it here in the office for some stupid company restrictions on internet usage. Hope I can download the lowdown on friday madness!
Anyways, I celebrated it first with my swirly in Puerto Galera. The island seemed like the paradise that it once was because there were like 15 tourists there at that time. We literally got isolated on the island for good measure. Yeyah! It was pretty solid though. We both enjoyed the serenity of the beach, the sound of waves crashing down...the food and of course, the boooze! (Yeyah!), to sum it all up...it was very relaxing and very...rrromantic. ha!

The next day, Me and my CVG crew went meet up in Malate at MJ's Bar to have some more booze, Crispy Pata and super yummy buttered chicken. Then of course, since were all such cam whores and karaoke savant's. We decided to head to Providence Bar to sing our lungs out! Almost 38 songs sang in total... Its a wrap at around 3 am. For me, this has to be one of the most memorable birthday celebration that I ever had since the the song 'ceeeeelleebrate good times, CMON!' was played on air.
My lil bday week was pretty solid. Everybody had fun, everyone was happy and everyone got home safe and sound.
On my 24th b-day, I swear....im gonna go somewhere...reaally...reaaallly....far.
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